Thursday, February 24, 2011


While in an antique store the other day I came across some smallish horse shoes. So I decided to paint them. One I gave to my mother, It has three gold lined clovers, (because my mum is Irish), on it one on the bottom and one each on each top.
The photos below are the one I painted for myself.
It is painted black with the inside of the shoe painted gold and a clover on the bottom.

(for those who find clovers difficult to draw/paint, a useful tip is to create a heart shape and spin it, while creating heart shapes around it. And you will ave you're clover.)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Projection Final Photo

Yea it looks like a crazy hair dryer but it works extremely well and the projection comes out crystal clear

Was a really fun project.

I will be sure to add more awesome do it yourself projects as they come along.

Have an amazing week
B Kwok



The Lightbox final photos will be posted soon, I had to put off finalizing the lightbox for about a week or two just cause there has been so much craziness up here in the northeast what with all the snowstorms and leakage.  I was up on my roof most of yesterday shoveling off snow and melting the gutters and all of today clearing the back of my neighbors roof.
On my off time I have been working on a project for my boss at a magazine, TV, casting company located in chinatown Boston MA. What I have been building for him these past few weeks is a 'banner projector'. So the idea is, instead of lugging around a clunky projector that needs to be plugged up to a computer, or carrying around a banner and figiting on how to hang it up why not have a projection system that is smaller, easy to set up, and have the availability of shining it on any surface and be ready to go. So I got to thinking and the night after hearing bout it I started building a prototype. Using parts of an old broken projector, a magnafying glass, some PVC piping, a track light (slightly modified), transparency print outs, and some black paint (cause everyone knows everything looks awesome in black), I have the parts to build the projection.
My first prototype was using a MagLite (flashlight), although the projection worked fine the light source was uneven. So I bought a tack light from a nearby hardware store. I cut off the track adapter and attaching a plug wire, I cut the wire from an old crappy light I had stored away (it had one of those wires with the spin wheel on/ off switch). Now its not at all hard to change out wires and power sources with electrical appliances, you just have to remember to tape off any extra wiring and always turn off the power source (unplugging appliances from outlets is a very good idea). After the light source was squared away I glued the PVC screw adapter to the light, using my glue gun. and painted it black. As well as painted the other PVC adapters and pipes after fitting them snug inside each other.

Magnifying Glass

Transparency Print Out

Transparency fit into frame

part of old projector

prototype, first try proved success, prototype used in final completion

(left) track light with wire attached, and painted PVC screw on adapter, (right) PVC housing for prototype projection, shown above

The finished photo will be posted in about half an hour or so when the paint dries, and I glue the prototype to its PVC attachment.

Be Back in a little while.
B Kwok